The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
— Mahatma Ghandi


From our innovative coloring books to our young adult entrepreneurship curriculum, The Dream Deferred Project prides itself on bridging the gap between imagination and the entrepreneurship development of our most vulnerable. Many young disadvantaged youth have no idea that success coming from the projects is only a matter of following process.


Entrepreneurship is the great equalizer of modern day society! The Dream Deferred Project believes that the greatest story to share with the world is the story of one's self, one's strength, and one's ability to overcome obstacles and failures. Entrepreneurship is the ability to turn failure into profit, pain into pleasure, and imagination into existence!


The Dream Deferred Project is working daily to strategically implement products and curricula that will shift the mindset of future generations towards entrepreneurship. Our approach is simple: introduce them to principles of success and facilitate an environment that inspires them to act.